What are the reasons for the flue gas condensate produced by gas boilers?


What are the causes of flue gas condensate produced by gas boilers?

(1) The water vapor in the flue gas condenses into water when the temperature is lower than the dew point temperature;

The boiler has high thermal efficiency and low exhaust gas temperature. The exhaust gas temperature of the boiler under the rated load is slightly higher than the dew point temperature of the flue gas, and it can be operated economically and safely. However, when the boiler is operated for a long time under low load, the flue gas temperature is lower than the flue gas dew point temperature, and there will be condensed water at this time. It flows out from the heating surface at the rear of the boiler and exits the boiler from the rear smoke box. The condensate generated by the hot water boiler during operation should be discharged from the boiler in time, because if the condensate accumulates too much, it will affect the normal operation of the boiler, and seriously cause water leakage at the connection between the rear smoke box door cover and the rear smoke box flange. Specific measures include: the condensate generated by the hot water boiler during operation should be discharged from the boiler in time, because excessive accumulation of condensate will affect the normal operation of the boiler, and seriously cause water leakage at the connection between the rear smoke box door cover and the rear smoke box flange. . Specific measures include:

1. The boiler is equipped with a condensate outlet at the rear smoke box. In order to allow the condensate to be discharged in time, the outlet pipe should not be equipped with a valve, and a water seal should be installed to prevent the flue gas from escaping from the pipe.

2. The outlet of the flue box is set to take over the boiler flue gas discharged from the flue box into the chimney. Due to the heat dissipation of the chimney, the water vapor in the flue gas is still continuously condensing on the chimney wall, forming small water droplets along the chimney wall. Downstream, therefore, a pipe should be installed at the outlet of the smoke box to allow the condensate to drain into the trench or any drainage system. Excessive condensate in the flue gas of gas-fired boilers should cause concern. Although the production of condensate is unavoidable, the production of excessive condensate will inevitably affect the safe operation of the boiler.


Product :
 Gas-fired(oil-fired)boilers          Coal-fired boilers  Biomass-fired boilers           Thermal fluid heaters
Power/Capacity :
Hot water/oil           0.7-14MW          14.1-21MW  21.1-29MW            29.1-75MW
Steam                     1-10t/h               11-20t/h  21-90t/h                  91-140t/h
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