What are the advantages of biomass boiler fuel that cannot be ignored?


The advantages of biomass fuel:

1) Biomass fuel has a large calorific value, the calorific value is about 4300 kcal/kg, and the calorific value after carbonization is as high as 7000-8000 kcal/kg;

2) Biomass fuel has high purity and does not contain other impurities. Its carbon content is about 80%, ash content is 3-6%, and water content is not more than 3%;

3) It does not contain impurities that do not generate heat but consumes heat, which reduces costs for enterprises;

4) Biomass fuel does not contain sulfur and phosphorus and does not corrode the boiler, which can extend the service life of the boiler and reduce maintenance expenses for the enterprise;

5) Since biomass fuel does not contain sulfur and phosphorus, it does not produce sulfur dioxide and phosphorus pentoxide during combustion, so biomass fuel is an environmentally friendly fuel and will not cause acid rain;

6) Biomass fuel is hygienic, convenient to feed, reduces the labor intensity of workers, improves the labor environment to a large extent, and reduces the company's investment in labor;

7) There is very little ash after the biomass fuel is burned, which reduces the large area of coal slag and reduces the cost of slag;

8) The ashes after the combustion of biomass fuel is a high-quality organic potash fertilizer, which can be recycled;

9) Biomass fuel is a renewable energy source.


Product :
 Gas-fired(oil-fired)boilers          Coal-fired boilers  Biomass-fired boilers           Thermal fluid heaters
Power/Capacity :
Hot water/oil           0.7-14MW          14.1-21MW  21.1-29MW            29.1-75MW
Steam                     1-10t/h               11-20t/h  21-90t/h                  91-140t/h
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